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In New Horizons, the player will instead receive the DIY recipe card for medicine from a villager the first time they speak to one while stung. Villagers will comment on the player's condition and appearance if spoken to and may offer the player a bag of medicine. If the player ever releases a wasp, its swarm will attack, resulting in the player being stung. If it is their first time being stung twice in a row, they will get Nook Miles.

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In New Horizons, if the player is stung a second time while their eyelid is already swollen, they will pass out and be returned to the front of their house, much like with scorpion or tarantula attacks. If the wasps catch and sting the player, they will surround the player's face and produce a shredding like sound, which causes the controller to vibrate in some games, and the player's left eyelid will swell once they leave. In New Horizons, if a net is equipped when shaking the tree, the wasps can be caught immediately before they start moving.

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In New Leaf, it is possible to hit the beehive with the net and catch the bee before they can swarm. However, it is recommended to already have the net equipped when shaking trees. In most games, a simple 5-second run from the tree, net equip, and net swing into the swarm is sufficient to catch them if the timing is right. Wasps follow the player and travel faster than running speed, however they are fairly slow to turn which can be used to the advantage of the player.

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Wasps, once agitated, will chase the player until the player catches them with a net, enters a building, quits the game, or, in New Leaf, saves and continues. A player takes advantage of the slow turning speed of a bee to catch it.

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